This is bxlloyd consulting, and I’m Benjamin Lloyd.
I solve interpersonal challenges within groups, teams and divisions. If you are facing institutional transition, employee friction, or if you want your group to explore a theme or a topic, then I’m your solution.
I work best with leaders who
love their workforce
invite creative problem-solving
care about workplace culture
Want to learn more? Read on!
Real. Human. Connection.
Enough with the pre-recorded videos, endless .pdf’s, and jargon-laden talking heads. We crave authenticity and connection. And I can help you experience it.
My work does two things simultaneously: the group I’m serving evolves and improves; and the participants within that group learn about themselves individually.
It happens when we prioritize feelings over thoughts . . .
Discover yourself through each other
Have you ever been to a play, or watched a movie or TV show, and left the experience feeling like you learned something about yourself? That’s because these experiences “hold a mirror up to nature”, as Hamlet put it. But that mirror isn’t just for the stage or screen. I design my experiences so that we can make startling breakthroughs of insight about ourselves through witnessing each other.
What we feel changes us
Felt experiences are retained in our memory far longer than stuff we are forced to read.. The learning in my workshops sticks because it is felt. I create safe, fun and meaningful experiences that stimulate our feelings by engaging the playful mindset. Real breakthroughs happen as we see how our feelings manifest themselves in behavior - behavior we can play with . . . and change.
The Playful Mindset
My workshops reveal the extraordinary curiosity, empathy and courage all human beings share. This revelation happens through the playful mindset, which comes into being through games and exercises, like the one below being played by members of the Drexel Lebow School of Business:
“Ben is a warm, enthusiastic, and thoughtful person who has a very special gift for creating memorable and engaging experiences. I have worked with Ben and his team on numerous trainings and while each is different and crafted specifically for the challenges we are facing they have all been truly excellent. Ben can relate to everyone and has an ability to pull people into new spaces with ease and joy. I highly recommend Ben for any of your training or team building needs!”
— Caitlin Garozzo, Executive Director of the West Philadelphia Skills Initiative
Some happy clients:

Our real human connection begins with a free 30 minute consultation!
Let’s have a conversation - I want to get to know you!