Lasting change occurs with repetition . . .
The Playground was a beginning - now you want to go deeper.
Imagine what we could accomplish together if we really got to know each other. What if you could take the skills we are teaching and apply them in the workplace, then report back to share your experiences? What if - through a series of sequential workshops - we could pivot our attention to address participants' lived experiences, and focus on the specific gifts and challenges of the people in the room? What if we could use the power of creativity to make lasting change? Well we can - and we will design it together. Hit the button below to learn more.
Day-long retreats
Your team needs a reset - an experience that will lift them out of their familiar surroundings and challenge and delight them with creative exploration and real human connection. Creativity Counts is the name of the day-long retreat I co-present with Dr. Michael Brenner of Right Chord Leadership. The combination of my dynamic applied improvisation and his inspired use of musical technique and theory adds up to a transformational experience your team will never forget. Acquire a suite of new approaches to leadership - click the button below.
Topic workshops
Sowing the Seeds of Allyship. A personalized workshop using scenarios to examine unconscious bias, institutional discrimination, and how to become an ally for those who are being marginalized.
Your Yin Yang. A playful examination of the limits of binary decision making, and how to fuse left-brain logic with right-brain intuition.
EQ. That means emotional intelligence. This workshops teaches the theoretical basis for this field, and offers gentle applied improv explorations of ways to enhance your skill at managing conflict, noticing red flags, and listening deeply.
“This was the most relevant, impactful and reality-based discussion of this topic ever.”
— Church & Dwight participant