Applied Improvisation

Are you an improviser who wants to share the transformational power of improv with communities and groups? Are you an educator who wants to learn how to bring your classroom to life through experiential learning? Are you a coach or a trainer who wants to add to your repertoire of approaches and techniques to serve your clients? . . . then this class is for you!

I have been using games, exercises and improvisation to serve nonprofits like The West Philadelphia Skills Initiative and multinational corporations like Merck Pharmaceuticals since 2015. I created “scenario-based” training which uses custom-designed scenarios addressing client concerns performed by actors. I am a member of the Applied Improvisation Network and have attended multiple conferences of this organization and presented a workshop at the 2022 conference in Avila, Spain.

This class will cover:

  • Applied Improvisation: definitions, techniques and variations.

  • From the stage to the conference room: what we bring with us from short and long form improv.

  • Play with a Purpose: choosing games to play to suit client needs.

  • Role play: a) to practice skills or b) to explore situations and relationships.

  • Workshop design: evaluating client needs and offering appropriate experiences.

  • Structured improv with scenarios: writing and performing from outlines.

  • Networking, marketing and pricing: it’s a conversation!

Want to study with Ben? Send him an email - click here!


Long form improvisation class


Angels in America - an acting class